Monday, April 8, 2013

What is Love

What is love? Other than a classic song by Haddaway, it is some kind of connection between people. The catholic definition of love can be seen in 1 John 4:8, which states: "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." Love is a way we become closer to God. We are created to become closer to God. As such, that which brings us close to people also brings us close to God.

The question may arise if love is subjective. One chain of reasoning is God is love, God can be known objectively, and thus love is objective. This is mostly true. However, it has one flaw. God cannotr be known objectively. We can rationalize that he exists and what Enid but we cannot believe in the core of our being his existence objectively. Everyone comes about finding God in a different way. In the same way, people come about finding love in different ways. The answer is that we can define God and love objectively but we cannot truly feel God and love objectively because feeling is a subjective thing. Refer to the above post about reason for further explanation of the distinction between feeling and reasoning.

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