Friday, April 26, 2013

Easter vs. Christmas

There has been a long philosophical question about whether Easter or Christmas is more important. This is pretty simple to a Catholic like me. Definitely Easter. However, there are arguments on both sides, and in this post I'll discuss them and refute those who are wrong.
The first argument for why Christmas is more important is that Christmas precludes because Christ had to be born. However, there are two responses to this. First, this commits the fallacy of origin: stating that since one thing comes from another we must value the first one as the second is valuable. Second, Christmas has no meaning without Easter. Christmas would just be an average birthday party except for the fact Christ is the Son of God. Further, Christ was Incarnated for the purpose of Easter, and the Paschal Mystery. THis means even with the fallacious preclusion argument, Easter comes first.
The question that arises is why people celebrate Christmas so much when Easter us truly more important  IT's a simple answer. People celebrate Christmas to make a religious holiday more secular. The only reason Catholic and other denominational schools celebrate with two weeks off is because it's around the middle of the year. IT doesn't have to do wit the
 holiday itself, but with the time the holiday falls in the year. I once asked an Atheist if she celebrated Christmas and she said "yea Christ was a great guy and we celebrate that." I heard that and I had a mini heart attack. Christ isn't just some person like Gandhi or Martin Luther King. Christ is much more. Christ is God Incarnate on Earth. Christmas is just secularized to become more acceptable to those outside the Church so they can celebrate it as well. It is by no means more importnat than Easter.

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