Friday, April 19, 2013

Peyton Siva: All about the Trinity

Many people may have heard the name Peyton Siva from the 2013 National Champion Louisville college basketball squad. He has been a name often talked about from the start of the season all through march madness playing a key role in the National Championship. However, what and why does what he does is for a purpose, something much bigger than all of us, God. He plays in honor, respect, and gratitude of God. He not just realizes his talents as something of God's doing and his appreciation he tries to infiltrate that in every aspect of everything he does, on and off the court.

“My legacy I want to leave is keep God first over everything, just put your teammates above all, and play for the name on the front and not the back,” Siva said in an interview with the NY Post before the championship game. He is a man after the Greater Glory of God and nothing else; he fulfills God's mission as best as possible in spreading God's word. He has been doing so from a young age. At 13 years old he took his brothers car to find his dad, dealing drugs and in a very destructive lifestyle, who had a gun and was prepared to commit suicide. Siva Jr. just asked his dad to stop and his Siva Sr. realized that Jr. seeked to have a father and  he would continue to request that his dad go to Church with him. This changed his dad's life immediately. Siva Jr. was living for Christ at a young age.

Number 3, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is the number Siva wears. He wears it for this very reason, to honor God, for the Greater Glory of God. He initiates God as much as possible with everything he does and thanks him for his life, and his father's. Russ Smith, Louisville's leading scorer, said, “He cares so much about everyone else that the whole world just loves him.” This is how Christ intends for us to live and in doing so he does so in and with God never compromising God. 

Siva Jr. not only helped his dad. At every opportunity that arises, no matter the situation, he helps people, such as in high school he helped his friend who continuously went down a troubled path. He asked for him to move in with him so he could help him get his life straight. Peyton Siva did this on his own; he lives for Christ with out being told or forced to but rather cause he chooses to. This is why he is truly a man of Christ. He puts all others in front of himself because he puts God as his primary source for everything just as Christ intended.

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