Thursday, April 4, 2013

Why God is a Personal God

In all of the arguments I've seen for why God exists or doesn't exist, the most problematic argument for Catholics is the deist argument. If God created the world, why is that proof that he still exists. There are two main proofs today. First are miracles.

Miracles prove a personal God because it shows how God is still active in our lives today. God doesn't exist in a metaphysical vacuum. Rather, he carries out his plan through miracles. For the skeptical thinker comes the idea of "Why should I believe miracles?" Firstly, miracles are not some kind of magic trick. There's no real physical way to induce the stigmata overnight. You can't just will something like a miraculous healing to happen. Nor is it just people pretending. This is evident by the many martyrs in the Catholic Church. If the people who perform miracle's in God's name and those who are positively affected by miracles are just pretending, why would they be willing to die for that cause.

A second proof is love. Why is it that when a man sees one woman, he feels nothing, yet he feels a totally different feeling when seeing another woman? When you think about it, you don't just fall in love with random people. You don't walk down the road and fal in love multiple times with people you see. Love is an intimate connection with someone of the opposite sex. It doesn't seem to make sense why people fall in love when they do. At least, it doesn't make any earthly sense. When we factor God into the equation, it makes sense. People fall in love because there is a supernatural, metaphysical bond between them. You may respond by saying: That's all fine in a vacuum, but what about the fact we can determine what parts of the brain exhibit which activity? That's a valid point, but it has a key flaw. We can't read minds. There's no reason to believe these brain scans insofar as they just reflect the metaphysical soul doing its work. The soul thinks and feels, and the brain is just that bond from the soul to the body. It doesn't make sense to bind metaphysical things to physical things anyway. What does a thought look like? What does an emotion look like? Why can't we use our five physical senses to detect thoughts and emotions?

The final proof of the existence of a Personal God, and not a Deist God is that of the Church herself. People slam the Catholic Church for bad Popes and corruption and indulgences and everything in between. Yet the Catholic Church still stands.  Why? Well, the Catholic Church is guided directly by the Holy Spirit. Any other explanation is nonsensical as the Church has gone through so much crap and still exists. How many other institutions do you know of that go through bad leaderships, multiple wars, persecutions, yet still manage to become the most prevalent belief in the world? If you thought of zero, you are correct. The Church has gone through so much strife and come on top each time because of her metaphysical roots. She was founded by Christ and is guided by the Holy Spirit.

For those Catholics who aren't quite sure how to prove a Personal God, I hope this helps. All in all, there are plenty of mysteries on Earth that cannot be explained via the laws of science. These must all, inevitably, point to God working his magic.

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