Monday, May 13, 2013

The Church and its Availability

In the Church everyone is welcome, but there are always some stipulations. For example, if an owner of a sports team offers everyone to play, then anyone is welcome to play as the owner said; however, if someone never dribbles while they are playing and the owner yells at the, the owner is somewhat at fault or should at least have not yelled, but the player is at fault as well.

Should the owner have yelled? Should he not have? Is he wrong for getting angry? There is no fully correct answer to any of these questions. The best answer or one of the better ways to handle this would be to call him off the court and teach him the rules and the workings of the game of basketball with demonstrations illustrating what and how he intends everything to be perceived, understood, and performed. In hand, that is why there are coaches of teams, in order to teach and educate about the game.

Now, is the player at fault for not dribbling, assuming it was done so unintentionally? Knowing that he lacked knowledge on the game of basketball was he wrong to participate? The player is in no way at fault and should have participated and not scolded as one only gains knowledge through experience. Although, the player should have at least taken some interest or at least demonstrated some effort in how or what goes into what he is doing. It is not using all the information available or truly any at all in finding out about something but really taking a blind leap into something that we have absolutely no knowledge about. Instead, the better thing to do is discover at least some knowledge or a basis of knowledge about something before diving into it.

There are both better ways to accomplish what each person was trying to accomplish but sometimes at the time these ways are not clear. However, if the mistake is realized and the end goal is accomplished then it can be considered successful. On top of that, if this situation arises again then the right way must be performed otherwise it truly is a mortal sin because they are aware of the other way to better take care of this situation.

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